Návrh bez názvu


Just a 45 minutes by car from Prague, yet in the middle of a quiet old beech forest. Our complex is situated on a hill sloping down to the lake of the Slapy water dam, almost at a reach of your hand, but at the same time far away from the hustle and bustle of civilization.

The building

In the old restaurant, our main building, you have 350 square meters of space for dancing and entertaining, there is a room equipped with projection equipment and a fully equipped kitchen with utensils, coolers for your catering and a fully equipped bar with tap room.

Upstairs there are five rooms with bathrooms in the hallway and a total of 25 beds.

Log cabins

Close enough to the venue, but still in a quieter corner of our resort, on the border of the forest and a short distance from the main building, there are four log cabins. Romantic accommodation for your guests.

Each cabin has its own bathroom, toilet and kitchenette. In the loft you will find four beds, but their capacity can be expanded on request. Each cabin also has its own parking space that your guests can use.

Outdoor space

The 5,000-square-metre outdoor space, surrounded by mature beech trees and grassy vegetation, invites relaxation and convivial celebrations. The only downside is that you won’t want to leave.

The area of the old well with its wooden altar is a favourite part of our garden with wedding guests. The stage with a natural earthen surface is suitable for lectures, open-air theatre or an improvised summer cinema.

We are proud of our 1930s summer restaurant interiors, but in good weather nothing beats being under the canopy of centuries-old trees and on the forest grass.

Uprostřed lesů, kousek od Prahy

U nás, obklopeni bukovým lesem, jen těžko uvěříte, že jste pouze tři čtvrtě hodiny cesty autem z Prahy.

Po lesní asfaltové cestě se pohodlně dostanete autem až k nám.

Ti, co dávají přednost chůzi mohou vystoupit z autobusu ve Štěchovicích a po několika různých, ale stejně krásných turistických trasách dorazit příjemnou procházkou až k nám.